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SCLC Celebrates our 65th Anniversary

February 14, 1957, a group of pastors, under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., convened to form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Rooted in their faith, they dared to change our country for the better and challenge America to live up to her ideals of liberty and justice for all. They fought for equality in our laws, our right to vote and to reconcile the oppression and injustice that too long plagued our nation, particularly in the south.


The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, led a nonviolent movement of direct action, leadership and change that defined the historic Civil Rights Movement. Now, 65 years later, the SCLC is proud of the victories we have led and been a part of. But, we understand we still have so much more to do.


As we commemorate our 65th anniversary, our national President, Dr. Charles Steele, Jr. still leads a national network of chapters and affiliates toward the goal of “Saving the Soul of America”. Economic justice, voting rights, criminal justice reform, closing the racial wealth gap and a host of other issues are still needed. We continue to fight!


We ask that you join us with your membership, financial support and prayers as we celebrate our 65th Anniversary!